How to Pull Off Slicked Back Hair
How to Pull Off Back Slicked hair. can be a very tough trend to pull off. Stars like Kim Kardashian seem to rock the runway effortlessly with their tresses slicked back against their head. However, many women find that trying this trend at home doesn’t lead to the sophisticated results modeled by celebs in the media. Slicking back your hair is supposed to add a mature and glamorous finish to your look, but with this look there’s a fine line between achieving style sophistication and ending up looking like a wet dog. It’s important to get your techniques and tools for slicked-back hair on track before you try this trend in order to ensure that you end up with the smooth, gorgeous style you’re dreaming of.
Don’t try to slick your hair back when it’s soaking wet or fully dry. If you try to slick back extremely wet hair, the hair products you use will interact with the water and destroy your long-lasting finish. On the other hand, starting your slicked back style with bone-dry hair makes molding your hair into the perfect shape very difficult.

After you get out of the shower, let your hair air dry until it’s about halfway dry. Don’t use a blowdryer immediately in order to avoid ruining your hair’s smooth and sleek finish. Start adding product when your hair is still slightly damp because that is when shaping and styling will be easiest.
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